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Reasons why ice maker produces ice slowly

Aug 29,2024

The ice maker is a mechanical device that can cool water into ice through a refrigeration system. According to the refrigeration method, it can be divided into water-cooled ice makers and air-cooled ice makers.

 small ice maker

Reasons why the ice maker produces ice slowly:

1. Ambient temperature:

High ambient temperature will affect the ice making rate. In addition, the ice maker is usually placed in a well-ventilated location, and the air inlet and outlet of the ice maker should not be blocked.

2. Refrigeration system itself

If the ice maker makes ice slowly, it may be due to changes in the refrigeration system, such as dust accumulation in the condenser causing reduced heat dissipation efficiency, or leakage of the system refrigerant, as well as other possible reasons, which require further investigation.

3. If the machine is air-cooled ice maker, it may be that the fan is broken and rotates slowly, so the heat dissipation effect is not good, resulting in slow ice making.

4. Insufficient refrigerant, it means shortage not leakage, and normal operation will consume it.

5. Too much refrigerant, too much refrigerant will affect the ice making efficiency of the ice maker.

 bullet ice machine

The ice machine should not be placed in an open-air environment. It is better to install it in a safe, clean, well-ventilated environment, away from direct sunlight and rain. The ice machine should not be placed near a heat source to prevent excessive temperature from affecting the heat dissipation of the condenser so as to achieve a good ice-making effect.